Baltimore Gas and Electric owns and operates this EV charging station at the Whitmore Garage in Annapolis, MD. Located on a lower floor of the pay parking garage.

Charger Construction Cost

$151,474 Total site construction cost per the Maryland PSC PC44 EV Pilot Program

Category Amount
Labor $90,702
Material $48,872
Network Fees $11,900
Utility Administration
Total $151,474

Electricity Cost vs Revenue

Metric Amount
Energy Used 23,843 kWh
Revenue $4,981.42
Electricity Cost $20,806.67
Deficit -$15,825.25
Note: This calculation only reflects the difference between electricity costs and revenue as of June 30, 2024. Other operating expenses, such as maintenance and repair costs, are not included.

Trend Graph: Monthly Electricity Dispensed in kWh

Whitmore Garage EV charging station monthly usage graph
Whitmore Garage EV charging monthly usage trend in kWh

Site Information

Address: 37 Clay St., Annapolis, Maryland 21401
County: Anne Arundel
Facility Type: Pay Parking Garage
Coordinates: 38.978757, -76.496354
Directions: Enter the parking garage from Clay Street.
Map Link: OpenStreetMap

Connector Type: CCS, CHAdeMO and J1772
DCFC: 50 kW x1
Level 2: 7 kW x6

Network: Shell Recharge
Availability: Public
Hours: 24 hours daily
Pricing: $0.32/kWh +6% MD sales tax (subject to change)

Restroom: none
Food: Restaurants in downtown Annapolis
WiFi: none

Marking: no pavement marking
Enforceable: No, signage does not conform to standards

Open Date: 01-15-2021
Public Funding: $151,474 plus operating costs from BGE ratepayers
Notes: Pay to park.


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